My Daughter, the Princess…congrats JZone for Another Awesome Youth Camp!

By Lessonsofadad @lessonsofadad
My daughter is now a bona-fide member of JZone, the youth ministry of CCF…and already she has a nickname among the great young people there: princess.  Whaaaat?  How did she get that nickname?  Read on.
But first of all, congrats to JZone for another awesome youth camp.  150 teens came last year.  This year?  220 kids from the 4 CCF churches around the immediate area (CDO, Malaybalay, Manolo, Iligan) came to Bagalangit Ultimate Bivouac to have crazy fun outdoors and to learn and love Christ more.  Here’s a thank you video that the good volunteers did for the rest of us, and to God be the glory!!

Awesome, right?  Of all the CCF churches, only CDO and Malaybalay are older…the rest are very new, just starting out, really.  If that many 13-19 year olds came (220 from 2 established churches and 2 new ones, wow), to me that’s a wonderful indication that there’s a great buy-in among CCF’s youth in that there is a God, and more importantly, He is worthy of our praise and devotion. 
The day after the camp was done, a Sunday, two of the campers gave their testimony up in front of the church.  If I’m not mistaken, they’re both new to CCF-CDO, and boy did they like JZone’s camp and CCF’s youth culture in general. 
Anyway, their testimonies.
Can you imagine if all the kids in this country allow God to transform their hearts and their lives like He did these two?  What a generation that would be!

My daughter, the princess…congrats JZone for another awesome youth camp!

Reunited with Anya, an old friend

So now onto the princess business.  Why princess?  Well, Lynn is lucky enough that the camp’s venue belongs to the same company (yet different management) that my wife and mom belong to…and if you’ve known us for a while now, you’d know that my wife could be very much the stage mom.
The bus going up that had Lynn in it was owned by Mountain Pines Place, where Jhean works…and so the driver gave Lynn special attention by helping her with her stuff. 

My daughter, the princess…congrats JZone for another awesome youth camp!

Lynn and the girls

Then, since Mountain Pines Place is only walking distance away from the campsite, there was a staff person there who helped Lynn with her tent.
But that’s not all.  At night, wifey made sure that some foam was brought to her little girl so that she’d get a better sleep. 
And so, the princess nickname.  I repeatedly warned Jhean (my wife) not to spoil her, or else Lynn would be embarrassed by all the special treatment.  Wifey would have none of it.

Green team, baby!

To be fair, the CCF youth are really nice guys and the “princess” moniker was not out of ridicule or spite.  Plus, many of the young people at camp grew up with her in the children’s ministry, so they’re fast friends and therefore they have the permission to give each other said nicknames. 
Well, congrats to JZone for their awesome ALL IN camp.  Your great and tireless efforts inspired 220 young people to love Jesus with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.  I salute you. 
Btw, if you want your young person in on this great ministry.  JZone meets every Saturday at CCF (right across the street from Mallberry’s car entrance), 1pm to 4pm.  See you there. 
More pics of the festivities below:

Making their banner

In case they get the munchies (being teens, that means "always")


Young men studying God's Word

He always takes beautiPaul pictures!

Leap of faith?

Work it!