My Darling Clementine Smoothie!

By Melissak

Its Friday!  Yaaaaaaaaaay.  Let’s all do the Friday dance.  Shake it!

I’m actually not dancing….Sorry guys! You know one of those days when your recipes just do not work? Yeah, I’m having one of those.

I tried making flaxseed crackers, and I find it rather strange that no one has mentioned the fact that they taste like cod liver oil, times a million.  I have to admit it is taking me back to my childhood, when my parents would give me one of those little squishy pills, and I would bite into it for the millionth time, regretting my decision immediately afterwards,  I don’t know if every time I expected it to change its horrible flavour, or if it was just to test out my teeth strength, maybe it was just that tiny pill explosion in my mouth.  One thing I do know is, that look my parent would give me was priceless,  you know that I think this child might be dumb look, that overpowering frustrated look.  Needless to say I got rid of those crackers and have been trying to air out the house with extreme urgency.

This smoothie on the other  hand, was a great treat.  Nutrient packed and just put a smile on my face.



  • 6 peeled small clementines
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 cup kale
  • 1 green apple, peeled and chopped
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup water
  • ice
  • stevia to taste


Place everything in blender and blend until smooth.  Pour into glass and enjoy