My Comments on Various Topics on HBR Blogs3

Posted on the 01 June 2011 by Epmworld @EPMWORLD_HYD

ON Integrating Ethics Into The Core Of Your Startups Why And How

Great read indeed! This article made me recall my own situation as a founder CEO. I was going very great in my vision, plans and market’s acceptance of my products in my start-up. At the same time, I had a big turmoil in the family and gradually that let lose my attention on the business. There were few of my colleagues who came to express their dissent on certain things including that of my own actions. I didn’t care to listen them. Things went obviously very bad before I could realize the damage. I relate my then situation to the points 1 & 2 above. Experience made me more matured though at a huge cost. Today, I volunteer suggestions to prospective entrepreneurs towards a better foundation. Thanks for such a great article.

ON Designing startup metrics to drive successful behavior

Excellent indeed! Very lucid explanation! In order to derive the benefit of metrics based systems or tools, it is highly essential that each and every team member gain comprehensive understanding of the tools through periodical workshops, taking the last achievement or failure as a case study. Thus, the field team or office team can precisely know the performance requirements and work accordingly towards the given goals.

ON Women Can’t Make a Baby in a Month

Lean production with strategic marketing is the right approach. Start-ups should utilize their funding more on marketing, delivery mechanism, support systems and operational excellence. More money in the initial stages brings in honeymoon momentum to a start-up shadowing the realities.

ON Want Innovative Thinking? Hire from the Humanities last week

Education acts as a complimentary to the innovative thinking and creative imagination of a person and helps him understand the pragmatic value of his innovative thinking. An individual who is working as a clerk can bring innovation, a farmer who never studied the subject can apply totally new measures in the field, and a complete illiterate can become a poet. The strength of these people is imaginative thinking, comprehensive outlook, analytical understanding, and passion to find a solution to any given problem. Any team member similarly can add value to his job or project if he understands his job well and bears the above qualities.