My Collection 10 by Rachel Horn

Posted on the 06 January 2012 by Raghavmodi @raghavmodi

A brand new series and who better to start it with than my #MTOS Partner-in-Crime Rachel Horn from United Kingdom. The aim of the series is for people to take 10 DVDs from their collection at home, photograph them, and write a line or two about them. They do not have to be favourites, but just movies that have a story behind them. You might like them, hate them, or till now didn’t even know you had them; it is all about letting everyone know a little about your likes and dislikes. 

Harvard ManThe year was 1999, I was 19 years old, and I went to the cinema to watch Drive Me Crazy with Melissa Joan Hart and Adrian Grenier. It was love at first sight. I had found my ideal man and I still love him to this day, but back then I bought everything I could with him. Harvard Man is a terrible movie, but it is a guilty pleasure because of him.

13 Going on 30This is one film I can watch again and again. Jennifer Garner is my female crush and I love her, but this film is awesome too. I love that she plays a silly part so different from her awesome Sydney character. 

Blue CrushI lived in Turkey for a few years and when I came back I worked at a surf shop for 7 years and wearing Boardys and flip-flops for work was awesome. During my time there Blue Crush came out and we went to a special screening together and we all loved the film so much and played the soundtrack a billion times a day at work. It makes me think of really happy memories.   

2424 is the best show ever. I LOVE Jack Bauer. I was in labor with my first child and I wouldn’t go to the hospital until I had watched the new episode on SkyOne.  

Band of BrothersWhat can be said about Band of Brothers? It is a brilliant mini-series. The actors are all amazing and this really drew me in. I was thinking about it weeks after watching it. If this was a 10 hour movie, this would be my favorite movie.

James BondJames Bond makes me think of my childhood watching it with my Dad. Even though I own all the DVDs, I always watch them when they are on TV. My favorite Bond is Roger Moore.

Police AcademyAnother childhood favourite, I had most of them on VHS. The best ones are with Mahoney in them though. 

Super TroopersThis is such a funny film and takes me back about 7 years when my best friend was living here from Canada and with her husband they lived with other students, and we would all quote the movie all night and watch it again and again. Great film. 

The GooniesI don’t think there is a person on Twitter that doesn’t know my favorite childhood film is The Goonies. My VHS tape was nearly worn out when I was a kid.

Lord of the RingsThis is my favorite film ever. I remember hating my friends for making me go and watch it, but I came out and was like WOW! Then I did my normal obsession thing and went mental buying loads of memorabilia, stamps, coins, glass necklaces, rings, etc.
Thank you Rachel for taking out the time to do the post for Ticker Talks Film. Rachel can be contacted on Twitter via @askimrach. If you would like to share your Collection 10, please get in touch with me via Twitter (@raghavmodi)