Two weeks ago, I took a challenge to sew 3 sets of lingerie in 48 hours. For some sewers, this task is infantile, mere child’s play. For me, a seamstress who is not the speediest of the sewing bunch, this was a challenge. But pushing yourself into unknown and uncomfortable territory is a necessary part of life, whether it’s self inflicted or inflicted by others. That Saturday and Sunday was a new experience for me, but I had fun. Surprisingly, I finished with plenty of time to spare – early Sunday evening. I even had time to cook a hearty meal. That’s an extra large feat for this city living and loving lady. I have a few tips for those who are about to sew for an extended period of time. Some are serious while other are more for fun. Sewing is supposed to be fun, right?
This is an obvious one, but prepping for your project is super important. The reason for most sewing delays is not slow speed, but hitting an obstacle like running out of thread or interfacing, which forces you stop wherever you are, and go out and buy more. I didn’t have time for this, so a couple weeks prior, I made a shopping list and bought all supplies so that this wouldn’t happen. Also, the night before, I made sure everything was in place for me to sew the next day. Scissors out, needles ready, sewing machine threaded, iron in place, tape measures in sight, etc.
Part of the reason why factories are so fast is because one seamstress performs the same operation over and over. This assembly line type of sewing was the method I used for my bra challenge, meaning I sewed the same operation on all three bras and undies before continuing to the next. Example: I sewed all six cups, then attached all 6 cups to all three cradles, then attached all bottom band elastics, etc. The opposite of this would be sewing one bra, and then sewing the second and the third. This reduces the amount of time you have to change needles and thread.
Peanuts and pretzels are for frequent flyers. At 200 calorie or less, those snacks get you through a couple of hours, six at most. I had eight times that amount to keep my sugar and sanity levels at bay. I have no patience for hangry seamstresses. In Chateau Madalynne, I like to keep my cupboards stocks with a well rounded diet, which for this challenge meant stocking up on M&M’s and cereal. Breakfast and dinner of champions.
*a note about sewing machines shown in the photos. I recently moved, and my regular sewing machines, a Juki DDL 5500 and a PFAFF Expression 3.2, have not been set up in my new place yet. As I unpack, I’ve been using my backup machine, a Singer Brilliance.*