My Bookish Summer: What's Coming up

By Bethkemp @BethKemp
Welcome back! Did you miss me? I had a much-needed (and exceptionally well-timed for the weather) break in Cornwall with the family.
I thought I'd dive right in and whet your appetite for a few of the fabulous titles that I'm planning to feature over the next few weeks. If none of these tickle your fancy, you're clearly beyond help :)

Kids' titles

The Fabulous Phartlehorn Affair by M L Peel sounds delightfully silly: phartlehorns, indeed! M L Peel will in fact be visiting the Hearthfire soon, so do watch this space.
The next Mariella Mystery (Cupcake Conundrum) by Kate Pankhurst is also worth waiting for. Expect more quirky case-busting from the junior sleuth and her gang.
Another brilliant kids' series with new titles is Sara Grant's Magic Trix, featuring a young trainee witch hoping one day to become a fairy godmother. I have two lovely titles from this series to share with you soon: Birthday Wishes and Museum Mayhem.

YA Fantasy

There are some big titles in YA fantasy out now and coming soon. I'm looking forward to sharing some of these with you.
Having loved both Shadow and Bone (originally published as The Gathering Dark) by Leigh Bardugo and Sarah J Maas' Throne of Glass last summer, I was desperately keen to get my hands on the sequels: Siege and Storm and Crown of Midnight, respectively. For powerful young women, romantic dilemmas and epic fantasy, look no further than these two great US titles.
Another sequel that made me cheer in anticipation is Sean Cummings' Student Bodies, follow up to his amazing Poltergeeks. I can't wait to see what wisecracking teen witch Julie gets up to next in her quest.
But it's not just sequels. I'm also thrilled to be able to introduce you to Zoe Marriott's new urban fantasy series (something of a departure for her). The Night Itself, book one in the Name of the Blade trilogy is just out, using Japanese legend in a contemporary urban setting. How cool does that sound?

YA Thriller/chiller

Did you read Soul Beach? And Soul Fire? Well, Kate Harrison's third and final installment - Soul Storm - is due soon and I can't wait to see whodunnit! I think I've suspected just about everyone at some point, so at least I'll be right no matter what the answer is...
Another big title I've been waiting for is James Dawson's second novel, Cruel Summer. I loved his Hollow Pike and although this seems like quite a different kind of book, he's more than convinced me that he's worth reading. With mystery, murder and plenty of suspicion to go around, this sounds like a great read.

Adult Titles

Two debut novels here, in quite different genres.
Lawless and the Devil of Euston Square by William Sutton introduces a Victorian policeman and tests him with all manner of political machinations and intrigue. Terrorism, industrial sabotage, cheeky young urchins and a scotsman in Scotland Yard - doesn't this sound great?
The Golem and the Djinni by Helene Wecker seems to be a kind of literary fantasy. My eye was caught when it was compared with Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, and I'm also intrigued to see how it combines different traditions to bring together a golem and a djinn.