My Blogiversary, and Should I Wear It? Results

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
Can you believe that my first post here at This Mom Loves was written two years ago today? Neither can I!
As a gift to you on my second Blogiversary, here are the results of my recent (and very popular) Should I Wear It? (Legwarmers Edition) poll (no, this photo isn't really me, though one of my friends will be much more impressed with these boots.):

Yes:  57%
No:  43%
There you have it! Thank you to everyone who voted and commented. It was a lot of fun to get your input. I'll have to see what other questionable items I can pull out of my closet to ask you about!
And just to show you how supportive all of my friends are of my blog, here is a man, dressed in his daughter's legwarmers, in solidarity with my cause:

I refused to post the full-body shot where you can see that he is also sporting an "I heart Kate" t-shirt. I am not kidding.