My BIBA Eleanor

By K @stylesocoy
I was going to confess to one of my good friends, that I've shamelessly copied her.....but I got caught out!!!
Khila from missbudgetbeauty, has had a BIBA Eleanor for a while, and even though I fell in love with it's gorgeous design as soon as she showed me, I knew it would be wrong to copy her and get one for myself.
Until last month.......
I knew I was going to invest in a new day bag and a new evening bag, this is where the complicated decisions started. For almost forever I knew that I would, one day, own a Mulberry bag. Last month this day arrived, when a quite nice bonus appeared in my wages. so I decided to go to the Mulberry shop in Leeds and I purchased a very beautiful, very classic, black, natural leather, Bayswater.
However, I couldn't help myself,  I still wanted an evening bag and I had to tear myself away from the plaster pink, Mulberry Lily. It was then I made the decision to buy the Eleanor........Shameful I know.
I have made Khila a promise that I will NEVER wear this bag when were out together, it's the least I can do, but if you've ever met 'miss Eleanor' you'll understand why I did what I did.
You can but BIBA bags at House of Fraser Link!
I hope all is forgiven!
K x