My Beauty Routine: Stella

By Wardrobeoxygen

While it's fun to read about the beauty habits of celebrities, I find it most helpful to learn about the beauty habits of women who have lifestyles, ages, or budgets similar to mine. In this series, I've asked amazing women I know to share their beauty routines. These are women from across the country, different ages, lifestyles, professions, and beauty/skincare priorities.

Name: Stella

Age: 52

Location: Berkeley CA

Profession: Clothing Designer (see her work at Stella Carakasi, and visit on Facebook and Instagram)

Tell me a bit about your skincare and/or routine.

My routine is fairly simple and always the same. I like to be as efficient and practical as possible while trying to look as if I put a lot of time and effort into it. My main task in the morning is to get my 10-year old daughter out the door and off to school on time before I head to work. I don't fuss much with appearance while at work and the makeup comes off in the evening.

After showering in the morning I use Saje Lavender and Friends relaxing body lotion which is my favorite.

For my face, I use Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue tinted hydrating gel cream with broad spectrum SPF 30. I love this product because it does 3 things at once which is time efficient. It hydrates the skin, it protects against the sun and it applies a sheer layer of foundation. On most days I set the foundation with Mineral Veil powder by Bare Minerals which is a very sheer and light layer.

My make up routine that follows takes me less than 5 minutes to apply. I use Aveda's plum mist eyeshadow and Korres Morello lipstick. Dr. Hauschka Liquid black eyeliner and Too Faced mascara.

In the evening I wash my face with Earth Science Clarifying Facial Wash and then apply First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream at night.

My routine does not change at all when I happen to go out. I just make sure that it is all a fresh and touched up.

Has your skincare and/or beauty routine changed due to age, lifestyle, career, etc.?

When I was younger an before I had my daughter I use to experiment a lot more and try out more products, although I have always had a good skin care routine. Over the years I settled on my favorite products and while I am wide open to try new things, I simply don't find the time to do the research nor do I have the desire, to be honest. After becoming a mom my priorities changed and my routine solidified.

What is the best skincare or beauty advice you ever got and from whom?

Healthy nutrition and proper hydration with a good daily moisturizer are the most important building blocks to a great skincare routine. Staying out of the sun or at least apply sunscreen is also very important. I do pretty well with the first three points but I fail more often than not when it comes to sun exposure. I love the sun and I am also blessed with good Mediterranean skin.

What is your must-have holy grail beauty or skincare product?

A good daily moisturizer. I love Dr. Hauschka cosmetics and use them occasionally but they are expensive.

What is your biggest beauty or skincare regret or embarrassment?

I need to do better when it comes to sun exposure and protecting my skin. I often skip sunscreen since I barely burn which does not mean that it is good for me.

What nugget of skincare or beauty wisdom do you wish you could give to your younger self?

Implementing a healthy sunscreen application routine.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Our real beauty starts within, in more than just one way. It starts with healthy eating habits, feeling good about ourselves and then expressing it externally with all the fun products available.

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