My Aunt Pauline’s Celeriac Carrot Soup with Eggless Chicken Meatballs! :) Yum Yum!

Posted on the 15 February 2014 by Sophies Foodie
This divine festive soup is a lovely celeriac carrot soup made with a vegetarian stock & topped with fried home-made simple eggless chicken meatballs! My husband & I ate this soup with lovely sourdough bread & butter as an alternative dinner! This soup was invented by my father’s Aunt Pauline. She was an inventive adventurous cook.  This soup is very filling not to mention, delicious too! :) Still in her nineties, she made this lovely smooth soup for all of us, at dinner parties! ;)

Yummm! Ready to attack!

I miss her deeply. She was like a great grand-mother to me,…x

Recipe: For at least 6 big portions


* For the soup:

615 gr peeled celeriac, cut into bite-sized chunks ( weighted when peeled )

415 gr peeled carrots, cut up into thinner rounds ( weighted when peeled )

1 fat large white onion, peeled & finely cut up

2 fat cloves of garlic, peeled & finely cut up

1600 ml of a good hot gluten-free vegetable stock

Maldon sea salt

black pepper

a fruity evoo= a fruity extra virgin olive oil

* For the eggless chicken meatballs:

350 gr egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free organic chicken mince

Maldon sea salt

black pepper

a fruity evoo to fry the meatballs in


1. Take a larger cooking pot & pour 2 tablespoons of evoo in it & heat up on high. When hot, add cut up onion & garlic. Add some black pepper & sea salt & stir often. After 3 to 5 minutes, add chopped celeriac & carrots & fry it all for at least 5 minutes, stirring everything round in the pot. Add some more olive oil too, if you need to. Then, add hot gluten-free vegetarian stock until all the veggies are covered, add more if you need too. I used my 1600 ml. Bring to the boil & let the soup boil for about 10 to 15 minutes or until your veggies are cooked through. When ready, check the seasoning. I added 15 grins of black pepper extra & some sea salt too. I Vitamixed my soup into 2 batches & ladled it into lovely soup bowls.

2. In the meantime, take your organic chicken mince & place into a bigger bowl. Add simple seasoning, like sea salt & finely milled black pepper because you do not want to overpower the chicken meatballs because your soup is the star of the day! ;) With wet hands, make smaller meatballs. Roll them nicely into smaller round meatballs, see pic above, like in the soup. :) Fry the meatballs on all sides in some hot fruity evoo in a larger non-stick pan. Place the fried balls on a clean plate with double kitchen paper to dip off excess fat. Place about 5 to 6 chicken meatballs into the hot soup! Enjoy instantly with your loved ones! I promise you, you want more than 1 bowl & more chicken meatballs too! ;) Yum Yummmm!

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Filed under: Dairy - Free, Egg - Free, Gluten - Free, Soup