My Answers To 10 Questions: Round 4

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Thanks for playing 10 Questions last Friday. You guys had some great answers, and I enjoyed reading them, though I was out of town and couldn’t comment much.

So, as is the tradition, I thought I’d chime in with my answers today. Here you go: 

1. What’s the first book your remember reading?

It was some kind of scratch-and-sniff book in which you could scratch garlic. That’s memorable. Also, The Hardy Boys.

2. Name a movie that you think was actually better than the book.

The Godfather, right? Has to be The Godfather.

3. You have to pick one format to read in the rest of your life (you can’t have both)—digital or paper?

Paper. Paper. Paper.

4. Beach reading or mountain cabin reading?

Beach reading.

5. Favorite punctuation mark?

Em dash, but I also love a well-placed comma.

6. Most annoying grammatical error?

Misused apostrophes. A few of the more egregious examples: Confusing “Your” with “You’re” or adding the possessive to the end of a family’s name, like “I’m going to dinner with the Seinfeld’s.” I go into more detail here.

7. Book you’re most embarrassed to have never read?

I’ve never read all of Moby Dick.

8. Book you’re most embarrassed to have read?

Easy—Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret

9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl, without shame. Don’t let those morning people tell you that you have to be like them to be successful.

10. If you have kids, how much control do you want to have (or did you have) over what they read?

I want to know what my boys are reading. I’ll be involved, but I think I’m also going to be pretty liberal with what I’ll let them read. I want to mainly make sure that they’re mature enough and ready for whatever the subject matter is that they’re reading.

That’s it, guys.

Feel free to chide me in the comments. How have I never read Moby Dick?