Breastfeeding - Such a learning curve for both of you, the latch, the engorgment, but once youve been through the first few weeks, its such an amazing bond!
Cuddles - Cherish these, even when its 3am and you just want to sleep, they aren't that tiny forever :)
Daddy time - seeing Daddy & daughter together smiling, cuddling and bonding is amazing!
Excitment - One of the many emotions you feel when you're a new mummy, excited to get them home and show them off!
Giggles - I'm still new to this one, the first time she giggled was at my foot, the cutest sound i've heard in my life, yes I cried too ha.
Health Visitor - You will be visited by your health visitor when you hae your baby and for the next few months, my advice is to make sure you feel comfortable with them, I unfortunately didnt have the greatest experience with mine and felt judged and she was also horrible at times..long story, but if you don't feel comfortable, you have every right to change, like i did :)
Insomnia - This affected me and sometimes still does, no matter how tired I was, i could not sleep, i could literally lay thee for hours and wouldnt get off! When people say 'sleep when baby sleeps' it's harder than you think!
Jealousy -As much as you love your little bundle, there were times where I felt jealous of everyone who was having a good nights sleep, who could have a relaxing bath etc..doesnt make you a bad mummy, makes you normal :)
Kisses - kissing those adorable soft chubby cheeks..need I say more?
Mess - Ha, the whole house will probably be a can tidy up..but it will get messy quickly again!
Nappies - It's like a second job, you feel like you're constantly changing nappies! Ha, and those first few you change..yeah..not nice!
Over protective - I just want to wrap her up and keep her safe all the time, you jump at every little sound and panic when they make a sound you've not heard yet..remember Rachel from friends? Called her doctor when Emma had hiccups..yeah its just like
Patience - I will admit I was never a very patient person before I had a baby, but you really need it, when they refuse naps, when they cry and just overall really, i have learnt :)
Quiet - Ha, when you've got them down for a nap and you need to learn how to do this quietly! Takes practice! ha.
Rest - Having a baby can be tiring, so make sure you get lots of rest, especially at the beginning when baby is still sleeping a lot, even if you can't sleep, relax and rest!
Sleep deprivation - It's inevitable this one, it's tough at first but your body actually adjusts pretty quickly and you dont need much sleep to function on, it's when they first sleep through the night and you get used to it then they start waking up again, that's hard! Lol.
Underwire - Your boobs unfortunately do become, well..saggy..if you breastfeed lol. A good underwired bra will do the trick to make them look like they were before! Lol
Vests - You will never see so many baby vests in your life, they wear them everyday, and sometimes many a day when there are some bum explosions! Stock up on them, you can never have too many!
Wobbly tummy - Still a working progress for me, I was lucky enough to lose my pregnancy weight plus another 14lbs (all through breastfeeding)! But still left with a wobbly tummy, sit ups and walking should help :)X - stuck on this letter lol..
You time - This is so important, just to have a 15 minute bath with no interuptions is all you need sometimes, just time to not be in mommy mode and clear your mind! Go for a walk as well, the fresh air will do you the world of good :)
Zzzz - Get as much zzzz's as you can, broken sleep is better than no sleep and you will feel much better :)
I will update this in a few months as I'm sure things will :) Having a baby is such a life changing time in your life, the most stressful and yet the most rewarding, enjoy every moment :) x