My A to Z of Travel (PS, You’ve Been Tagged)

By Smartgirltravel @SmartGirlTravel

I’m thrilled to be tagged by the fabulous Suzanne (aka @TravelBunny) in the global game known as My A to Z of Travel! You can see Suzannes A-Z on the Travel Bunny blog.

And here’s mine…

Age you went on your first international trip:

The tender age of 7 to Hong Kong, followed by Barcelona, Brussels and Amsterdam. I was very lucky

Best (foreign) beer you’ve had and where:

Don’t think you can beat a Chang Beer and green curry with a Thai beach sunset.

Cuisine (favourite):

Thai. No competition.

Destinations; favourite, least favorite and why:

Favourite destination is Paris, always.

There really isn’t anywhere I wouldn’t go but I’m not too bothered about visiting / revisiting any of the 18-30 resorts in Spain. Unless it’s Ibiza of course

Event you experienced abroad that made you say “wow”:

When old couples spontaneously got up from their chairs, in succession, and started to dance to the amazing live orchestra in the streets of Venice.  It was close to midnight, the air was filled with the smell of champagne, and St. Mark’s Square earned a permanent place in my heart.

Favourite mode of transportation:

The tuk tuk of course! The wind in your hair is free, recyclable air con.

Greatest feeling while travelling:

The feeling when you simply can’t believe just how amazing something is.

Hottest place you’ve traveled to:

I’ve traveled to a lot of hot places but the most memorable is the heat of Marrakech. It’s the only time in my life I’ve ever been sun burnt!

Incredible service you’ve experienced and where:

As a Hilton hater, I have to say I was really looked after at the Bangkok Millennium Hilton! It’s not sterile and boring like most Hiltons either; it’s full of Thai charm and luxury.

Journey that took the longest:

From Grindavik airport in Iceland to Baltimore in the US, followed by a train to Washington DC. Sleep deprivation springs to mind.  Plus I hate trains.

Keepsake from your travels:

My two big passions in life are fashion and travel so I tend to collect statement pieces everywhere I go.  My favorite is a bright orange butterly print silk scarf from Cambodia – and according to my sources in the industry, Mandarin Orange is going to be hot in SS12 so that’s good to know!

Let-down sight; why and where:

The White House.  It’s big, it’s white and it’s surrounded by gates anyway.

Moment where you fell in love with travel:

I’ve been lucky enough to fly about everywhere since a young age with The Yips (thanks Mum and Dad).  But it wasn’t until I was a bit older that I really started to appreciate travel.  When I was 18, I fell in love with Malaysia and it kind of never stopped after that.

Nicest hotel you’ve stayed in:

Lebua in Bangkok is literally amazing. The rooftop restaurant and Skybar gives you a view of the city that you will not believe.

Obsession—what are you obsessed with taking pictures of while traveling?:

I’m obsessed with food! So you may have the pleasure of seeing some of my foodie shots if you follow my blog.  My biggest weakness is cake so you should definitely check in if you have a sweet tooth like me.

Passport stamps, how many and from where?

I don’t collect passport stamps, mainly because not everyone is nice enough to stamp my passport (even when I ask nicely).

Quirkiest attraction you’ve visited and where:

I loved House of Bols in Amsterdam. It’s a hands-on experience including smelling and tasting different flavours of liqueur, and the free cocktail and shots didn’t hurt either. A bit sharp at 11am in the morning though!

Recommended sight, event or experience:

Angkor Wat.  It deserves at least 3 days of your life, and longer if you’re around for a while.

Splurge; something you have no problem forking over money for while travelling:

I don’t like to waste money on luxury hotels and nouveau cuisine, but I really don’t mind splurging on memorable experiences.  The Belvedere Restaurant in Warsaw was a bit pretentious but it was also set in a giant greenhouse which resembled an enchanted forest.  So the extra pennies, red lippy and high heels were worth it.

Touristy thing you’ve done:

I tore up the streets of Salou in Spain with a bunch of other drunken students.  We infected the bars and clubs with our fancy dress outfits and ridiculous behavior.  It was trashy.  Really trashy.  But we also won some awards for our participation (Loudest Uni being one of them).

Unforgettable travel memory:

The outrageous (and hilarious) argument I had with my photographer AKA boyfriend when we rented a cosy little cottage in the Lake District; he tried to tell me how to cook his breakfast and I went mental-oriental until he was forced to leave the kitchen.  That was our first holiday together *blush*, and the first of many dramatic arguments about very silly things.

Visas, how many and for where?

I’ve had temporary Visas for Cambodia, Singapore and China.  But I’ve never applied for a working Visa anywhere.  I love to come back home to Great Britain; it’s home and I wouldn’t want to lay my hat anywhere else.

Wine, best glass of wine while traveling and where?

I’m more of a beer drinker! But I do like a glass of French Beaujolais with a small slice – and by small slice I mean whole wheel – of Vignotte.

X: eXcellent view and from where?

The Piazza Del Miracoli is wonderful from the top of the Tower of Pisa.  You can see all the intricate details of the beautiful buildings.

Years spent travelling?:

I’m definitely no nomad. I travel a lot and take a lot of weekend breaks because I love to enjoy life (instead of saving, getting a mortgage or having babies etc). I fly here and there but I spend most of my time in the UK inbetween my travels, working in the exciting world of fashion!

Zealous sports fans and where?:

I’m from the UK. I don’t think it gets much rowdier than here.

So….what is YOUR A-Z of travel?  I’d like to tag:

The hilarious Tom Mcloughlin-Barrowman from ( @backpackerBoy)

The inspiring Cherie King from (@TheTravelBee)

The cutest couple, Amy and Kieron from (@Amzkiz)

The acclaimed Mike Richards from (@Vagabondish)

…..and the amazing TV couple, Dave and Deb from (@theplanetd)