My 30-Day Transformation

By Divinechik

More than two weeks ago, I mentioned that I started a program that involves supplementation, eating right and exercise. I just finished that program about 4 days ago and here are the results. I never thought in my entire life that I had a 32.5 inch waistline until I converted it from centimeter. I had no excuse.

Many people wouldn't notice that I've lost weight (abdominal fat instead of water and muscles) but I'm glad that a few people did. Best of all, I noticed the difference. Within those 30 days, I reprogrammed my mindset to eat whole and natural foods. But in this modern world that we're living today, it's almost impossible to get all your nutrients from whole foods alone, you need supplements to tune-up your metabolism and revitalize your health. And I also rediscover that fitness has been part of my life years ago and I came to this realization that teaching people how to have a healthy and beautiful yet strong and functional body is one of my goals and dreams.

I was doubtful at first and even deny that I don't need this program but our ability to burn fat slows down at a certain age. And I know that I need to reset my metabolism and optimize my body with nutrients in order for my body to be functional again. I cannot do the same thing over and over and expect different results. I have to do it a different way, that's why I engaged in this program for about a month. Today, I feel healthier, fitter and leaner and my confidence is boosted. There's more consistency with my energy levels, mental clarity and emotional balance. I also have this desire to maintain my physical fitness and an awareness of what happens in my body after having eaten the food.

I cannot do the same thing over and over,

and expect different results.

I'm sure you want to improve your health but when was the last time you challenge yourself to do that? I know food is good and it's more fun to eat. Yes, I've been there. I used to have an appetite for 3 people. I also had my fair share of being insulted just because I am flabby than the rest of the my classmates and colleagues and I'm not even overweight.

I would rather spent my money now on my health rather than spent it later on medications, hospital bills and a football team of doctors. I've witness that with my own late-father.

As a late bloomer, I bloomed late in my career, relationships, finances, dreams, you name it. As a matter of fact, I'm just starting to bloom and with so many talented young people in different walks and areas of life, I need to keep myself healthy, strong and vibrant.. And honestly, I felt so much better now than in my twenties. I would rather spent my money now on my health rather than spent it later on medications, hospital bills and a football team of doctors. I've witness that with my own late-father.

Teaching nutrition in a culinary school has been a challenge for me these past two years because not a lot of students are open to healthier options. And it's also because I didn't live what I preached. But I realized that I have to change first, inside and out, before I could change other people's mindset about what I'm teaching.

It wouldn't be a goal if there's no challenge,

and if doesn't challenge me, then it won't change me.

You don't have a have a body like mine because you know what, I'm not yet done with my challenge. This is the body that is ideal for me because I feel great about it. Was it easy? No, it wasn't easy. It still requires commitment, dedication and decision on my part to change. But it was my goal to achieve that and a goal that excites me. It was a also real challenge but it wouldn't be a goal if there's no challenge, and if it doesn't challenge me, then it won't change me.

The question is, are you ready to transform your health? Because I challenge you. But I will be here to coach you and guide you during and even after the program. Your comments are always welcome because I missed them and for people here in the Philippines, you can contact me through Globe at (0917) 3499482 or SUN (0933) 3681882 or email me at