My “10 Ways to Cook With____” Articles on One Green Planet

By Saythevword

Hey everyone, I want to direct your attention to my articles on One Green Planet. In case, you are unfamiliar with them, One Green Planet is this amazing web site – your online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals, and the planet. There are hundreds and hundreds of articles, videos, recipes and how-tos – about the Earth, health, life, beauty and of course, food. There are literally thousands of vegan recipes on One Green Planet.

Last Monday I celebrated having my 100th article published (now 108 plus a gazillion recipes). Every weekday an article of mine is published on One Green Planet. It’s like having my own daily column! Most of my articles are How-Tos about cooking along with recipes. So in case you weren’t aware of my articles, I thought I’d point them out here so you have another resource for vegan cooking recipes and ideas.

You can see ALL my articles and recipes on my author page at

But just to make it easier since there are soooo many articles, I thought I would point out some of the series I write in a few blog posts.

One series I write is the “10 Ways to Cook with ____” set of articles. Here I explain many different ways one can cook with a certain vegetable or other vegan food. I share several of my own recipes in the articles as well as provide links to many others on One Green Planet.

To date, I have written:

10 Delicious Ways to Use All That Summer Zucchini

10 Tips for Cooking with Artichokes

10 Ways to Cook with Eggplant

10 Flavorful Ways to Cook with Spinach

10 Terrific Ways to Use All Your Summer Tomatoes

10 Creative Ways to Saute and Stir-Fry Spinach

10 Delicious Ways to Eat Lentils

Do You Really Know How to Cook Cauliflower? Here are 10 Ways

10 Delicious Ways to Cook with Apples

10 Ways to Cook with Beets

10 Ways to Cook with Pumpkin

10 Ways to Cook Comforting Fall Foods with Winter Squash

Got Sweet Potatoes? Here’s 10 Ways  to Cook with Them

10 Delicious Ways to Cook with Mushrooms

and my really fun Global Series:

10 Global Ways to Cook with Potatoes

10 Ways to Cook Tofu with Global Flavors

10 Ways to Cook Chickpeas with Global Flavors

10 Ways to Make Soup with Global Flavors

Note: the photos shown are the cover photos of each article and are not necessarily my photos or photos of my recipes.

Remember, there is a new article of mine published every week day so be sure to check on my One Green Planet author page everyday for new topics. Tomorrow will be global ways to cook with eggplant. I will post some of the other series I write here later this month.

Be a Green Monster and reap all the benefits that One Green Planet has to offer. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too.

The “V” Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.

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