#MWWC 16: Finish | Jamais Fini

By L.m. Archer @lmarcherml

binNotes | a food, wine & travel blog

by L.M. Archer, FWS | Bourgogne ML

#MWWC  16: Finish   | Jamais Fini

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“There are many ways to the truth, and Burgundy is one of them.”- Isak Dinesen

Note:  binNotes interrupts her regularly scheduled posts for a special edition of The Monthly Wine Writing Challenge.

The monthly challenge, brainchild of thedrunkencyclist, pits wine bloggers worldwide in a quest to out-scribe one another on a topic provided by the previous month’s winner.*

 Kudos to last month’s winner, jvcuncorked. His topic of choice this month: Finish.

 #MWWC  16: Finish | Jamais Fini

Love affairs rarely make sense. And yet, passion drives the world.

As a girl, I fell in love with words. Like Frank McCourt, author of “Angela’s Ashes”, I found words ‘like jewels,” collecting them, protecting them, hoarding them.

This passion never wavered. Eventually, I also discovered the art of wine, the ‘red thread’ that binds us all.

In 2009, the two merged during a life-altering trip to Burgundy, where I fell down the rabbit hole of this maddening, beautiful, enigmatic wine region.

The visit resulted in successfully pitching a historical novel set in WW II Burgundy France.

Some years, two French wine designations, one horrible first draft, and several edits later, my manuscript nears the finish line.

Like fine wine, it’s taken time to tell the story.

Time, much toil, and plenty of derision from a few family, friends, and former co-workers after leaving a reliable corporate career to pursue this ‘leap of faith. ‘

More derision from a few members of the wine and writing world as I thudded through.

Creation takes courage.

The words, the characters, and Burgundy – her people, history, and traditions – fueled me when I doubted.

A loyal cadre of wing guys and soul sisters (and you know who you are) picked me up when I fell down, urging me towards the finish line.

It’s been tough.

And yet…it’s also taught me a valuable lesson.

I learned that writing is not about ‘telling,’ but about listening; a valuable insight when interviewing wine makers for the Red Thread™.  My own struggles help me appreciate theirs all the more.

Word-smithing the Red Thread™, binNotes, and freelance gigs allows me the pleasure of side trips into the present tense of non-fiction.

And pouring at a boutique winery on occasion keeps things in perspective, providing interaction with real, not fictional, folks.

Each competes for attention with Lady Fiction as she moves towards the finish line.

It’s a balancing act. We all have our own.

Finish. Noun, and verb.

Nearing the finish line brings a bittersweet finish to a inspiring, illogical journey awash with serendipity and struggle.

However….a writer needs to write, just as a fish needs to swim.

And so…sequel already started…so much for finish lines.

 Jamais Fini


About the author.

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* Special thanks to  The ArmChair Sommelier  for devising the MWWC  logo.