Security: Samsung follows in the footsteps of Blackberry 10 with a technology to separate hermetically contained pros and characters on a terminal used in business.
The phenomenon of BYOD obviously has not escaped the handset manufacturers. We know more and more employees bring their smartphones or tablets into business to be used for work. This obviously raises security issues.
In addition to the solutions of other vendors, manufacturers offer technologies to support this trend. The most notable is certainly Blackberry Balance which allows users to BB10 separate sealed their professional and personal content in their terminal.
The principle seems to have been followed to the letter by which Samsung introduced at Barcelona KNOX. Available in the second quarter of this year “on some devices,” KNOX allows you to create separate spaces for personal and professional data technology (“containerization”). It also seeks to protect against corporate data leaks or virus.
Containerization at the operating system
Specifically, an icon on the home screen of the device launching a secure environment within which it will be possible to exchange such e-mails, browse the Internet, view your contact list, diary or files and run corporate applications.
“The traditional approaches of containerization on mobile devices employ containerization to application level” which have the effect of providing a lower level of security in addition to limiting the native experience on mobile devices. Containerization KNOX is implemented at the operating system, allowing the container and its contents to be covered in much greater depth and granular, “says the manufacturer.
Message security around Android
At the same time, with this solution, Samsung intends to convey a message about safe Android, wrongly or rightly as the least secure mobile OS market. And like almost all Samsung devices are driven by the green robot …
The objective is clear: to convince companies that Android can be secured and used without problems in a sensitive environment. In Blackberry, not sure whether we agree.
*BYOD – Bring Your Own Device