Mutes – ‘Modern Waste’

Posted on the 20 March 2021 by Spectralnights

Mutes have shared ‘Modern Waste’ ahead of the release of new album ‘Dreams of Being Cornered’ on 7 May via FOMA records (pre-order via Bandcamp here). Recorded with Mark Gittins (The Wytches, Youth Man) at Megatone Studios, ‘Modern Waste’ opens in quieter fashion before clattering drums and huge hooks take it in a potent post-punk direction – complete with call-and-response vocals – that capture some of the hopelesness of living in a capitalist society where everyone is just doing what they can to survive.

Around a minute and a half in, the song breaks down into a psychedelic and introspective sound that reminded us of Deerhunter before it pretty much draws to complete silence around three minutes in – the halfway mark of the song. When it comes back with swirling hooks and vocal melodies working in tandem, there’s an infectious and fuzzed-up enthusiasm that falls somewhere between The Cribs and The War on Drugs.