For myself , as I told you last time, I changed schools at 16, and was told to choose one more O grade subject to cover the timetable. I had absolutely no idea what that was to be ! I chose 'art'. Now I can't draw or paint figures or still attempts ( to this day ) resemble the results of a day at playgroup ! However I can adequately draw and draft designs for clothing. I can sit down at a sewing machine and " free embroider " a scene. I enjoy fabric printing, weaving etc. ......I failed O grade art, as it was too restrictive, involving drawing figures and painting still lifes. I was given no scope to be " creative ". It wouldn't have mattered if I had ' tried harder' ...because it just wasn't there ! It did not however mean that I was a failure, and I wasn't artistic. It only meant that I hadn't found my niche in the art world !
So it is for many students at school, for they often blossom into perfectly rounded human beings once they find what suits them and the phrase " Must try harder " means absolutely nothing, for it gives no indication of the benchmark on which it is based, gives no inspiration, is rather negative and frankly quite useless !
Today's poem was written whilst I was at this new school and will illustrate the lack of stimulation provided by the " gowned " English teacher and the surroundings ! Written circa 1966 .
Room 31 - Aberdeen Academy
This room is dull and dreary
It makes me brood,
It makes me weary.
Behind me I hear quiet voices,
They talk of boys
And of their choices.
The rain is hammering down,
Faces look up,
They all frown.
Ah ! I have seen a spider's web
Hanging on the lamp-
He's surely dead ?
Hey ! you teacher !
Sitting supreme,
Come do not dream !
Your pupils talk aloud,
Stop us sir !
Thus you vowed.
Silence once more is my friend,
Others have I none
In room thirty one !
Thank you for reading...Kath Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook