
By Harry @web_pensioner


I agree with this post.

Originally posted on The "Great" One's Blog:

The following was sent to me by a former colleague at the office. Some of it is meant to be funny, but all of it is true. Muslims are easy to make fun of, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, much of the western world treat them with kid gloves. It’s too bad, for respect should be earned, not simply given because one decides to be part of a religious group. TGO

Aren’t Muslims a joke; a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless? If you don’t believe me, just read below…

They’re not happy in Gaza; they’re not happy in Egypt; they’re not happy in Libya; they’re not happy in Morocco; they’re not happy in Iran; they’re not happy in Iraq; they’re not happy in Yemen; they’re not happy in Afghanistan; they’re not happy in Pakistan; they’re not happy in Syria; they’re not happy in Lebanon; so, where are they happy?


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