Musicians’ Music Poll to Mark Tomatrax Turning 10!

Posted on the 10 January 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

This year marks 10 years since I began Tomatrax, or rather, since I changed the name of the magazine from Tomato Records Monthly (which ran for 3 years). Over this time I have had the privilege of discovering some amazing musicians from around the world (and then ranted about them on my site).

To celebrate this milestone, I decided to look at what music the musicians love! I have been contacting the musicians Tomatrax has featured over the past 10 years asking each to list their favourite songs. In May, I will count down the top 100 songs as voted by the musicians.

In the lead up, every Thursday will be dedicated to featuring a different artist and looking at their top 10 songs of all time (replacing the previous Throwback Thursday theme for now).

While I have tried to contact every musician featured by Tomatrax there have been some limitations as some contact details have changed over time while others have just been lost. So if you are an artist that has been featured by Tomatrax, haven't been contacted but want to be involved in this project please send an email to and you will get to have your say!