#music Tramlines - Preview - The Everly Pregnant Brothers

Posted on the 14 July 2013 by Abolishconfusion @ac_mag
If next weekend is anything like this (weather-wise), which is looks like it will then by the time you reach Sunday you'll be wanting to chill out on a field with a beer, soaking up the sun with some uplifting music and Sheffield 'blokes' Everly Pregnant Brothers are made for moments like this.

The seven piece bring familiar tunes but with an entertaining twist as they reword the likes of Sex On Fire, Common People and Mad World with Yorkshire humour sure to cure that hangover, lift morale and set you up for more festival fun before Monday morning hits you in the face with reality. They've became a staple attraction for Tramlines goers as their witty lyrics and banter will make your day, maybe even your weekend.

Catch The Everly Pregnant Brothers on the main stage on Sunday afternoon (1pm), they are also playing on Friday night (9pm) at the Sheffield Tap and on the roof of the Fat Cat pub Saturday (4pm). More details can be found here.