Music Lovers of Kairuku 2 -Crowned Men

By Travellingartist @devtramp

Like a songbird in the jungle, this singer belts out a strange but lovely melody

Kairuku Rural, Central Province, Papua New Guinea / November 2013:  Perhaps  because I have not seen much less photograph Papua New Guinea’s bird-of-paradise in wild despite the many visits I have made;  I quickly became entranced by the colorful plumes in these band members’ headgear.   The songs they sang and the music they played sounded strange but were just as lovely as the birds’.  And as they performed for us, my camera clicked, trying hard to capture the melodious and colorful moment.

As colorful as the feathers on his head was the music that came out from his mouth

A bird of prey he featured with pride on his head as he strummed an old guitar with glee

Fine as the feathers that flowed on his headgear was the melody that flowed with passion from his mouth