Murder-Suicide in Bayonne, New Jersey

Posted on the 07 December 2011 by Mikeb302000 reports on the terrible events.
Four people, including a baby, were shot and killed in Bayonne tonight in an apparent murder-suicide that neighbors said erupted from a domestic dispute.

The police didn't release much information, but
Angelo Ortega, 63, said he walks his dog past the house around 6 every morning, and often stopped to speak with a man at that address. He said the man, a Dominican, kept an impressive vegetable garden.
Ortega described him as "tranquil."
Either he owned the gun legally or he did not. Either way it's the easy access to guns that contributed to this. If he'd been a legal owner, the the requirements to qualify are too lenient. If he'd been an illegal owner of the gun, then it's just too damn easy to get guns.
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