MUNA Turns It Up With ‘Loudspeaker’ [STREAM]

Posted on the 15 October 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

MUNA – Loudspeaker SoundCloud

Back in June, we covered MUNA’s sparkling reentry into the musical world with their treasure of a single “So Special”. Since then, they’ve received much deserved attention for their second offering “Promise”, and now the LA-based trio has blessed us once more with the heavy, heightened track “Loudspeaker”. Over an 80s-inflected, slickly-produced track, guitars echo as lead singer Katie Gavin declares her unapologetic nature in a sing-along chorus: “If I feel like crying, I won’t hide it / I am a loudspeaker.” Comparisons like HAIM and Fleetwood Mac have been tossed around plenty, but it seems like MUNA is something entirely new. Dealing gracefully and artistically with issues like anger and blame via their truly impressive brand of dark pop, these grayscale “futurebabes” are making their mark with intensity, and we can’t wait to hear what emerges next from their loudspeakers.