Multiple Children Hurt in Two Accidental Shootings

Posted on the 30 January 2014 by Mikeb302000
Local news reports Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett visited Bradley Tech High School to speak with students about gun violence following a shooting that injured five kids. Police say several people in the basement were handling a shotgun loaded with bird shot when the gun went off. The victims range in age from 11 to 17. Investigators are questioning the people who were in the basement and say they're not getting a lot of cooperation.  Mayor Barrett says shootings like these underscore the need for adults in this community to act responsibility with their guns. "If you have a gun you have to have it locked up so children don't have access to it," says Barrett. How about if the owner of the gun finds himself in the slammer?  Wouldn't that carry the message a bit better than these continual warnings that the gun owners should lock up their guns?