Multi-Family Top Revenue Producing Pet Amenities for 2016

By Evolutiondogwash

As more Americans become pet owners, real estate investors and property owners are learning that catering to these pet lovers makes great business sense.  In the past many properties banned pets completely.  However, as the number of empty nesters continues to grow and young people delay marriage, pets are filling the voids of companionship for a large segment of the population.  This is proven with record levels of pet ownership in the U.S.

The American Veterinary Medical Association published some surprising statistics related to pet ownership in America.

  • Over 74 million households have at least one pet
  • Over 43 million households have a dog
  • Dog ownership is growing, especially among renters and singles
  • Between 2006 and 2011, the latest period of time where data is available, dog ownership grew 39% among women living alone, 48% among men living alone and 46% among apartment renters.

How Are Property Owners Responding?

Property owners are now finally starting to roll out the red carpet to pet owners.  They are using a variety of a amenities that are not only accommodating for renters, but for their pets as well.  A few of the most popular pet amenities that will sure to be a hit in 2016 include:

Dog Parks

For years large neighborhoods have been installing dog parks as a way to draw in pet loving residents.  Apartment owners themselves are beginning to include dog parks in their construction plans.  Apartments around the country are offering dog parks to help attract pet owners.  Even apartment owners in urban areas like New York are installing roof top dog parks for pet owners looking to keep their pets healthy and active, even in the city.

Dog Washing Stations

Dog washing stations are another pet amenity that is growing in popularity among multi-family property owners.  These pet washing stations allow pet owners to wash their pets without the normal mess that occurs when using a normal bathtub.  Property owners are looking to models like the Evolution Dog Wash that offer years of worry free service for a large multi-family property.

Dog Walking Services

Some apartment owners in large metropolitan areas are even offering dog walking services for their busy tenants.  How great would it be if you could assure your dog was getting his or her daily exercise thanks to dog walking from your apartment staff?  This dream is now a reality in a number of apartment complexes around the country.

Grooming Services

Another growing trend in luxury apartment buildings are pet grooming services.  Simply drop your pet off on the way to work and come back to find your furry friend bathed and groomed!

Indoor Pet Play Spaces

No one loves rain, especially pets!  While outdoor dog parks are great when it’s nice and warm outside, they don’t serve much of a purpose during the winter months or when it’s raining.  A few apartment owners have taken this concern to heart by installing indoor pet play spaces for those times when playing outside is not conducive for pets.

Evolution Dog Wash Excited About These New Pet Amenities

At Evolution Dog Wash we’ve been advocating for additional pet amenities in multi-family apartment buildings for years.  It finally seems as if property owners are starting to listen.  We hope to see property owners continue to be accommodating to the growing number of pet owners across the country.