Remember that Ben Folds and Nick Hornby collaboration around a decade ago? Well, Colin Macintyre has taken this concept a step further with the new Mull Historical Society album ‘In My Mind There’s a Room’. Asking 13 highly acclaimed authors including Hornby, Ian Rankin and Jacqueline Wilson to write words about a room that has special significance to them, Colin would then arrange some music around this and the results are spectacular.
The latest single to be shared ahead of the album’s release on 21 July is ‘Room of Masks’, with lyrics by crime writer and lifelong music lover Val McDermid, who says: ‘I don’t remember a time in my life without music – singing in the car, in the church; later, in my room, singing along to my guitar, teaching myself the songs I loved most. I always admired the skill of singer/songwriters who could match lyrics with music. I tried, but it never really worked. So it was a real thrill when Colin invited me to join this project. I can always set some words down on the page; to have Colin pick out the ones that worked for song then add music that sticks in the mind has been a privilege I never expected.’
Opening with a sea-shanty style chant of ‘Spread my shining wings, I ran out of words’ the song grows into a quietly powerful and reflective, nostalgic celebration of how ‘yellow walls bring sunshine on the darkest day’ and views of the sea: ‘It’s my room’; ‘A room of masts with the hum of music’.