
By Ros @scotlandphohos

Trip to Mull

On a recent brief trip to Mull the weather forecast changed from looking pretty abysmal to warm sunshine. we decided it was worth a trip up Ben More. I’ve only ever been up it from the South side before, so was looking forward to trying out a different route.

The weather certainly didn’t disappoint us!

There was some cloud, but it stayed dry and sunny all day. The few clouds that appeared disappeared just as fast. The panoramic view as we climbed the last section was spectacular. I’m blaming that for the walk taking so long! We could easily identify Ulva down in the loch below, and, Coll and Tiree on the horizon. Looking north and east we could see across to Morven, Moydart, Knoydart and a wee corner of Skye. It’s absolutely stunning landscape on a day like this.

For me, the best views cam when we reached the summit. The cloud was sitting on the top as we climbed the last rise, so we arrived to almost no view at all. It very quickly disappeared, leaving the ridge to the east bathed in sun – what a beautiful sight!