MTNS Interview - 08/01/14

Posted on the 08 January 2014 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
Disgracefully, we've not done any form of interview since 2012. So we thought we'd better patch a few things up, and for this special occasion, we managed to get ahold of one member, Tom Eggert, of a band we're keeping the closest of eyes on. MTNS, as you may know, have been tipped as our band to watch out for this year, and whilst we've been ranting and raving about how refreshing and exciting they are, we thought we'd get a few words, right from the horses mouth.
TLB: We’ll start it all off with something light. You’re a relatively new group,  but you manage to just click - What character does each band member play in terms of your friendship?
Tom: Well, we are all pretty easy going and there’s not really any egos haha! So, we just hang out and enjoy each other's company. 

TLB: Your fan-base has grown considerably in the short time you’ve been showcasing your music. How does that feel, and what are your milestone goals?
Tom: We just loving writing music and working on sounds together. So as far as goals go…We'd like to keep writing music we love and hopefully, others will enjoy it too!! 

TLB: Your music has, quite obviously, been well received, whom would you consider to be the main influences behind the sounds?
Tom: We all have pretty different influences; I like the straighter feel, Robbie loves ambience, and Joe loves cool beats; it kind of just blends together!

TLB: Obviously, our little blog is based in the UK, so Australian press is hard to come by here; what else has been going on for MTNS?
Tom: We have an Australian East coast tour lined up for February to follow up our EP release, and we have just started working on new music ... :)  

TLB: How much interest do you seem to be having from other countries? Are there any really obscure countries who love the MTNS sound?
Tom: We keep getting African people complaining about their phone service on our social networks ... But I recently discovered that there is an African phone network called MTN ...

TLB: With the EP being one of our favourites this year, and your single, Lost Track Of Time, indeed topping our “Track of the Year” list – what exactly is next, and could you give us any dates?
Tom: I cant give you any dates at the moment, but work on our next release has already begun ... :D

TLB: Considering there is such a distance between us, it wouldn’t come as a shock if we’d missed a fair few bands in Australia … are there any you can recommend us?
Tom: Um…I’m sure you’ve already heard him but our friend Tim from ‘Vancouver Sleep Clinic’ is sounding excellent! 

TLB: Your sound in general has, without a doubt, come across as something very refreshing and different – what was the inspiration for this sort of thing?
Tom: Well, like I said before we come from different musical backgrounds, so naturally, when we play together those things shine through. I would say our sound isn’t something that is really thought out, its just turns out like that haha.

TLB: Which song, of your own, do you like to play the most, or is your favourite?
Tom: I really enjoy playing ‘Fears’, it’s such a fun song to sing.

TLB: Finally, and yet another double-barrel question, Where would your ideal gig be played? And how on earth do you psych yourself up to play?
Tom: Um, an ideal gig for me is anywhere people would like to watch us! And, to be honest, I usually just walk on stage, plug my guitar in and get started haha.
We're thoroughly excited to hear the new bits and pieces from these boys, and with things underway, we're sure it won't be too long until we're reporting and reviewing on them once again. A big thanks to Tom of MTNS, and the best of luck to them in the future; we'll be waiting. Paul.