Mt. Gox May Have Found 200,000 Bitcoins

Posted on the 21 March 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

There was a report out last night that bankrupt Bicoin exchange Mt. Gox may have found 200,000 Bitcoins in a forgotten wallet.

Pete Rizzo of Coindesk wrote:

A new report suggests that Mt. Gox, the now-bankrupt Japan-based exchange said to have lost 850,000 BTC in customer funds may actually still be in possession of 200,000 BTC ($118m at press time).

The news, published by Yahoo Japan, allegedly comes from the exchange’s bankruptcy lawyer who suggests the bitcoins were found on 7th March in a wallet used by Mt. Gox prior to June 2011.

The 200,000 bitcoins would equate to just over 23% of the entirety of the funds presumed lost by the company in the wake of widespread theft that is said to have occurred on the exchanges for a period of several years. Given the date, these funds may be separate from that money, however.

Though the release does mention that the funds were found, it does not clarify as to whether the company still has access to any bitcoins inside.

Read the full story here