MSMA Herbicide

Posted on the 25 January 2021 by Abjadoon

Monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) is an arsenic herbicide and is considered less toxic as compared to other inorganic forms of arsenates. It is used for selective control of grasses and broadleaves including crabgrass, summer grass, dallisgrass, sandburs, and much more. In 2009 the use of MSMA was cancelled on citrus orchards, parks, residential areas, any non-bearing fruit and nut trees and athletic fields.

The trade name of MSMA in the market include:


This herbicide is registered by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for the use on golf courses, sod farms Highway Rights-OF-Way and cotton.

There are multiple ways of using MSMA some of which include a spraying rig, hand pump-sprayer and backpack sprayer.

For more effective results, spray it when wind speed ranges from 2 to 10 mph and temperature between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Highway Rights-OF-Way

  1. No more than two broadcast applications per year.
  2. Avoid using around 100 feet of proximity to permanent water bodies.

Sod Farms

  1. Use only two broadcast applications per season as allowed.
  2. Avoid using it within 25 feet proximity of permanent water bodies.

Golf courses

  1. One broadcast application is permitted for newly constructed golf courses.
  2. Spot treatment for 100 square feet per spot and must not exceed 25% of total golf courses for regular golf courses.


  1. Only allowed two applications per season.
  2. Avoid using pre-plant cotton.
  3. Avoid using more than a total of 4 pounds per acre per season.
  4. Do not use within 50 feet proximity of permanent bodies.

How to Mix MSMA Herbicide For better use

Most MSMA products come water-soluble. Fill half of the spray tank with water followed by the required amount of herbicide with agitation. Add some more water to fill the tank and apply the fields. Never store the spray solution inside the tank for a long time.