MRI Surge & Beta Product Review

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Wednesday!! First off, I want to thank you all for your sweet comments on my post yesterday.  That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write but I felt I needed to get it out, so thank you!  Now, let’s change gears! I have a very long overdue review for you guys.  Back in late May as part of my Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadorship, I was given the opportunity to try two workout supplements, MRI Surge and MRI Beta Charge.  I was intrigued with these supplements initially because  I usually roll out of bed, get dressed and drive into work to get  my runs or workouts in without eating anything beforehand.  I also do not drink coffee (GASP!! I know, I know) and I was curious if a pre-workout supplement would make a difference in my training.  I didn’t want anything I needed to eat since I am up and out the door by 5 a.m. and I really just don’t want to eat something that early in the morning.  I’m also not going to throw my blender on and risk waking anyone up, so a powder that can mix in some water is ideal for me.  So, here we go with the review….

I am going to start with the MRI Surge.  

I was sent the MRI Surge in the mixed berry flavor. A little bit about the powder, its “formulated with ingredients that support optimal blood flow, energy, stamina, focus, and reduced muscle damage” while providing steady energy and no crash.  The “secret” in the ingredients is nitric oxide which “plays a key role in adaptation to physical exercise by optimizing blood flow, muscular contractions, nutrient uptake and cellular energy production.” 

The directions say to mix 1/2 a scoop with 8-16 ounces of water.  I mixed it with 16+ ounces since I don’t like anything I drink to be too strong, I’d rather it be a bit watered down.  The flavor overall wasn’t bad at all.  There were some days I didn’t add enough water and the taste wasn’t bad, I just like it less potent.  I’d mix my drink right before I left my house in the morning and drink it when I hit a specific toll booth going into work, signaling that I would be at work and in the gym in 30 minutes (you are supposed to take this about 30 mins pre workout on an empty stomach.)  

I used this product for almost all of my workouts for 4 weeks and I have to say I felt great on it.  I felt very focused and awake when I was working out and felt like I could push myself a bit more than normal.  There were quite a few instances when I was running and felt like I was cruising along at a fast pace and felt comfortable and could keep going and it surprised me.  Can I say it was 100% related to MRI Surge? No, of course not, but considering this was a new addition to my routine and I wasn’t feeling like that before, I think some of it was attributed to it.  Post workout, I never had any muscle fatigue and I never felt a crash post workout–two things that any avid exerciser appreciates!  So, all in all, I was really happy with this product.

The second product I was sent was the MRI Beta Charge in their peach mango flavor. 

Beta Charge is supposed to promote “muscle stamina and the capacity for training in the “high intensity” zone.”  It’s key ingredient is Beta-Alanine (as CarnoSyn®) which is supposed to help “flood muscles with the specialized amino acid, carnosine. Once carnosine is loaded into muscles, it works as a buffer against lactic acid buildup. In turn, this supports the potential for performing extended bouts of high intensity training before fatigue sets in. Additionally, Beta-Alanine (as CarnoSyn®) can help reduce intra and post-training muscle soreness which allows for faster recovery time between sets and between workouts.”

I didn’t try this until I was finished with the MRI Surge so as not to “color” my experience with the first product.  Also, since both products are taken before working out, I didn’t want to confuse the two for purposes of this review.  So, about a week after my last serving of the MRI Surge I decided to give Beta Charge a try hoping I’d like it as much as the last product.  The directions say to mix 1 a scoop with 6-8 ounces of water.  I prepared it with 8 ounces of water and hopped in my car for the drive into work.  This product didn’t call out when you should take it prior to your workout and I passed my usual tollbooth and forgot to drink it…oops!  I noticed it when I was about 10 minutes from work and decided to quickly drink it up.

I have to be honest with you guys, the flavor was terrible.  I could barely take a sip without gagging.  It just wasn’t my cup of tea.  I ended up chugging it as fast as possible to get it down.  We all have different preferences when it comes to flavors, textures, etc, and this flavor just didn’t agree with me.  However, I got it all down and pulled into work excited that I had a tough strength training workout planned for the morning  and was looking forward to seeing how I would feel.  

I pulled into the garage and quickly noticed my fingers tingling.  Not the same feeling as if they “fell asleep” but this weird tingling of pins and needles that I had never felt before.  I tried to shrug it off as I got out of my car and made my way to the gym.  I quickly dropped my stuff off and got on the gym floor to start my lifting.  As I was getting ready to do some heavy squats, I felt almost like an electric shock up and down my arms from my shoulders to my fingertips.  I jumped a bit because it hurt.  It literally felt like I was getting zapped with electricity.  I’d by lying if I said I wasn’t scared, like really scared.  When you start feeling things like that, I worry about neurological issues.   One of the guys I workout with in the morning looked over at me and I mentioned that I tried a new drink this am and wasn’t feeling great, just in case something worse happened to me while I was there.  The “electric” shock feeling only happened a handful of times but it was enough that I will not continue to use Beta Charge.  I have never been scared about how I was feeling like I was that morning.  I cut my workout short and just showered and got ready for work.  

After this experience, I went to my trusty friend Google to see if this is common with this product but I came up empty-handed.  Was this a freak thing? Possibly, I really don’t know but I do know that it scared me from ever trying it again.  Again, these are just my experiences and I will always be totally honest with any product I review.

So, while the Beta Charge was clearly not the right product for me in terms of taste and performance, however, I did really enjoy the MRI Surge.  You can find both products through MRI’s site or through Amazon if you are interested in trying them for yourself!

***Disclaimer: I was provided the MRI products for free in exchange for the review, but all opinions are my own.***


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Question of the day

Have you ever felt pins and needles or “electric shock” feelings when using a supplement?

l about triggering optimal circulation and mental acuity during training, and then giving your mind and body a chance to unwind and recover while you sleep. MRI SURGE® is precisely formulated to engage nitric oxide. This supports nutrient flow to working muscles driven by intense mental focus. Recover & Repair® helps optimize recovery by supporting deep, reparative sleep to help you wake up repaired and energize