Mr. Schwartz I’m Not Going To Let Readers Tell Me What To Write, But I’ll Answer The Poll

Posted on the 20 December 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

Rich Schwartz challenged me to repeat the poll he ran on last week after I called the results of the poll Bull Shit.

I have no problem with running polls on blog, matter of fact at we were the first to build a polling feature into the blog, from the get go.

Over the years we have asked 127 questions, (yes I had to check) however I have never attempted to take the results and analyze  them or hold them out to mean or represent anything.

For one people can vote multiple times in the poll using different names, by using different browsers; people can call their friends who know nothing about the domain space and tell to vote; the same person can vote from his desktop, laptop and cell phone.

A poll of such fashion is not scientific and its result cannot be held up to represent anything.

Most of the questions Rick asked and highlighted in his post about the results had less than 150 responses.

TheDomains gets somewhere between 3,000-7,000 readers a day.

At best if each vote is real and one person one vote the tally doesn’t even represent 10% of the readership on a low day

More importantly, I’m not going to let some readers of the blog dictate what I write about.

I see as a leader, not a follower. is not a going to be a blog whose opinion or direction is determined by the readers.

I’m not a yes man.

Nor is Rick.

Rick has been a leader a forerunner of the whole domain industry so it puzzles me why he gives a crap of what some of his reader think.

I’m not going to tell the masses what they want to hear.

I will write what I want to write.

I write what I think.

I write what I believe.

Sometimes  I’m right.

Sometimes I’m wrong.

It only take someone getting a hit 3 times  in every 10 times at bat to make it in to the Baseball Hall Of Fame.

The best professional sports betters  get it right less than 60% of the time.

I think my average is much higher.

So lets say this to say it.

I don’t accept money to write posts (and have been offered it and turned it down a ton of times)

I don’t accept money not to write posts (yes I have written negative posts about advertisers( i.e.…