Mr Palomar by Italo Calvino

By W B Gooderham @wb_gooderham

[Inside Front]

Sleeping in the eaves with an early rise. Working through Kate’s bookshelf. A few good numbers of a sheepskull [?]. Nothing but dreams tonight of you & foreign countries. Crossing the borderline. Yours with a pulsing heart & [something] loins [?]. Goodnight sweet girl. JDx

Hello ROSE! when [?] is far and train journeys long, think of all the fun we will have when you come to Sweden. Lips & lips to you. Love S.

Empty swimming pools freak me out. So hard to get into. Dewey eyed goodbye to West Country. Back around 3. Listening to Phantom music in rain & thinking about Aragon & my growing love for it. JDx

Wet green land. Nothing exotic to see. My eyes droop & then I read about africa & then I feel guilty. Nothing to stimulate. No agitation except bundu boys & [?] clinging to a warm body that left me cold when I left it. Coming back to it now I am refuelled & need to rest & [?]

[Inside back]

Kat & Keith about to arrive from London. Putting them up for the night. Rain pouring down. Editing & already complaints from upstairs. Good [?] [?]. Missing your kisses & awaiting [????] Love JD.

Dear [?] – Brisk late night walk up Byres Rd after editing [?]. Sure you [?] in the air. Hungry as a stray dog for your return. Kisses on you which you sleep. My sweet alley cat. Sshhh xxxx