Mr. Mom

By Dmroughton

This song doesn't capture my situation exactly; however, when I am doing my Saturday chores, it does tend to run through my head.
Take for instance today. Here is a list of everything I got done before 3 pm:
  • Woke up three times between midnight and 7 am because: 1) my son's tummy hurt 2) he couldn't get comfy to sleep and 3) he needed a drink of water.
  • Cooked breakfast and managed not to burn a single thing, and it came out edible. Take that Rachel Ray!
  • Did a load of laundry. (Let's get it started in here...)
  • Did the dishes.
  • Put the lawn mower battery on a charger.
  • Did another load of laundry.
  • Explained to my son AGAIN about the time I got a tooth injury playing football. This lead to a discussion of why it's called a root canal and a brief dental physiology lesson.
  • Went to get lawn mower gas and had to convince my son it was not in his (nor my) best interest to get sour strings candy at 10:30 am.
  • Mowed the grass and dodged a veritable horde of ground hornets with each pass through the side yard. (I'm sure if you had been here observing, it would have been akin to watching a 6'5" version of the Looney Tunes.)
  • Stripped the beds.
  • Mr. Mom rocking the sexy ass apron!

  • Had the neighbor kids over to play and keep Connor occupied for 11.25 minutes.
  • Did another load of laundry.
  • Cooked lunch.
  • Shut and locked my door against invading children and puppy, so I could eat in peace and quiet and veg on TV for 30 minutes. (Ignored knocking twice.)
  • Did another load of laundry.
  • Put beer in fridge to chill.
  • Blogged half an entry, said screw it, and cracked open a hot beer.
I guess the rest of the housework will have to wait until tomorrow. After all, I also have to play the role of Mr. Dad, so it's now time to head off to my neighbor, Scott's, house and play some Olympic corn hole.
Enjoy your weekend!