Mr and Mrs Quiz Questions

By Pixelweddings

Funny Mr and Mrs Quiz Questions

A standout amongst the most prominent pre-drinking diversions at hen gatherings, Mr and Mrs Quiz depends on the 70's TV comedy show of a similar name, where every candidate needed to answer inquiries on their accomplice to perceive how great a match they were keeping in mind the end goal to win some cash. Indeed, what better approach to test the lady out by observing whether they are a match made in paradise.

The vital thing to recollect is to keep a considerable measure of the inquiries carefree and comedic. You additionally need to discover the appropriate responses from the spouse to be route ahead of time, so you can have these recorded. You can likewise observe our full rundown of hen party amusements.

This diversion can without much of a stretch be changed into a drinking amusement, where she should drink each time she misses the point. So read on for a full rundown of potential Mr and Mrs questions you can use in the amusement.

Here's our top 55 Mr and Mrs Quiz Questions;

  1. What is his claim to fame?
  2. Where is the strangest place you both had sex together?
  3. What's his favourite meal?
  4. Who smells the best?
  5. What is his pet name for you?
  6. What is your pet name for him?
  7. What does he think are your worst habits?
  8. If he was in a fire, what object would he first save from the house?
  9. Who would play him in the movie of his life?
  10. Who is his celebrity crush?
  11. Who has the best fashion sense?
  12. Name his grandparents names
  13. What is his number one fear?
  14. What was his first job?
  15. Who drives better?
  16. Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
  17. What's his shoe size?
  18. Is he a bum or boob guy?
  19. Where did you go for your first date?
  20. Who said 'I love you' first?
  21. Where were you both when you first said 'I love you' to each other
  22. Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
  23. Who has the worst memory?
  24. What is his guilty pleasure?
  25. What was his first impression of your parents?
  26. What's your favourite part of his body?
  27. What's his favourite part of your body?
  28. Is he a tidy person?
  29. What is the naughtiest thing he ever did at school?
  30. Which celebrity does he think he looks most like?
  31. What do you two argue about the most?
  32. Who makes the best jokes?
  33. If he could have a superpower, what would it be?
  34. Who is the smartest?
  35. What three words would he use to describe you?
  36. How would you describe him in three words?
  37. What was the best gift he ever gave you (excluding the ring)?
  38. Does he fart in bed while sleeping?
  39. Who is most likely to trip over on a daily basis?
  40. Who snores the loudest?
  41. Who cooks the most in the house?
  42. Who is the best cook?
  43. What would be his dream day out?
  44. How many children does he want?
  45. What colour are his eyes?
  46. What were his exact words as he proposed to you?
  47. Who takes longer to get ready?
  48. Where would be his dream honeymoon location?
  49. What is his favourite band of all time?
  50. Who is the best dancer?
  51. Who gets angry the most?
  52. Who is the most attractive?
  53. Would he rather be a musician or a sports star?
  54. Would he rather be playing at Glastonbury or running the country?
  55. What item of his clothing do you absolutely hate the most?