Moving On....

By Therelishedroost
I will be neglecting my blog for a bit as a big change is happening in my life.  Although I relished my old roost for over 17 years, a new roost is calling our names.  I have shed a few tears this week as I began to ready my house for the market.  It was a great house to us, but with all my girls leaving the nest, a smaller newer home seemed like the right choice.  I think this farmhouse needs to have young children running through it, playing in the brook, swimming in the pool and I hope whomever is lucky enough to have our house will be  blessed with memories such as ours. 

Now I have the task of cleaning up and editing. It was wonderful to receive a gift box of fragrant new candles and diffuser from Lafco . This will make my house even more inviting with wonderful scents for the Fall. These are from the new Holiday Collection 2016 for House and Home and they are delightful! I have the Saddle Leather Candle in my library, the Tree diffuser in my mudroom and the Gallery Royal Iris in my living room!  

Scents truly do enhance a room, for more beautiful scents  go HERE1

Also please check out Furbish today as the wonderfully talented Jeanne Hartmann Has her amazing watercolors available !

Onto the new Roost where we hope to create new memories yet never forget the ones we made at the old farmhouse  where the children grew up.

Fingers crossed for a smooth move and I will be posting off and on through this process.