Moving and a Boca Restaurant Review: Rock Steady

By Take A Bite Out Of Boca @shaywiz

I'm officially moved out of my apartment and into the new place! Moving daywent so much quicker than I thought it would. We had tons of help, including Emma and her cousin and friends — they were great for taking care of all the little/light things. The men took care of the major furniture, and Amy and I got all the rest. We packed up both of our cars plus her brother-in-law's truck and were ready to roll. Unpacking and organizing all my stuff took the rest of the day, but I was finished by around 6pm. Whew! It was an exhausting day, but well worth it to get it all done and out of the way in one trip.

Being in a new place is exciting — I'm finally starting to be okay with accepting change and realizing it is good for you. Sometimes it's exactly what you need and it comes to you at just the right moment. Sometimes you don't even know it's what you want, but then you get it and realize it is exactly what you were craving — like when you can't decide what you want to eat for dinner, and after going back and forth forever, you finally decide where to go on a completewhim. And after ordering and devouring your entire plate, you're all "wow, that was totally what I was in the mood for."
Ok, so that wasn't the best analogy, but whatever.
That's what happened the other night when we were all trying to figure out something to do for dinner. After listing a million different restaurants, we came up with a Jamaican restaurant in Boca, Rock Steady. McKenzie and I have been there before and the food was awesome. Amy had never been, and said she wanted to try it out, so we all headed over there. It's a really cool little spot with a very appropriately laid-back staff and themed decor. Last time I went, I wasn't too hungry so I just ordered the Ackee Spring Roll appetizer. Ackee is Jamaica's national fruit. It kind of looks and has the texture of scrambled eggs, but it's a little bit sweet. It's pretty good and the spring rolls were an interesting way to incorporate this traditional fruit into a dish. This time, however, it was definitely dinner time, so I ordered one of the main entrees that comes with rice and peas, sweet plantains and either a salad or the chef's choice cookedveggie, steamed cabbage and carrots. I opted for that over the salad; it definitely was a good choice. My curry chicken was delicious. The curry sauce had a little kick to it so my mouth was burning quite a bit even after finishing all the veggies and half of the rice. I loved it though, and would totally recommend Rock Steady to anyone who likes Caribbean-style food. I also tried a beer from Trinidad called Shandy. It's basically a sparkling beer with notes of lime and lots of bubbly flavor. Yuuuum.
Between all of our meals, there was a mix of everything on the table — curry chicken, jerk chicken, brown stew chicken, curry goat, oxtail, salt fish, and ackee. I think we covered everything offered on the menu. The sweet plantains were a hit, as always. Plantains are always my favorite part about going out forCaribbean food. We all really enjoyed our dinner, but had to leave room for the amazing dessert waiting for us at home. Nutella cheesecake with Oreo cookie crust. Yep, not only do we both love going out for good food, but Amy's got a hand for baking too. This move is just all too perfect for words.
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