Movie Reviews 101 Awards – Best Animated Film of 2016

By Newguy

Best Animated Film of 2016

Animated movies have come thick and fast this year and while most have had a similar story I feel these 5 stand out slightly more than the rest.


·   Angry Birds

·   The Jungle Book

·   Zootropolis

·   Kubo and the Two Strings

·   Moana


   Kubo and the Two Strings

Kudo tells the best story that is visually different to the rest of the animated film bought out this year, I feel it stands out above the rest of the animated films that seem to feel a lot more generic from the biggest studies.

What would be your pick for Best Animated Film of the Year?

My disclaimer is that I have not being able to see any of the Ghibli films from this year which I feel might have made the list if I had.