Movie Questionnaire Blog-A-Thon

Posted on the 24 August 2012 by Impsndcnma @impsndcnma

Two blog-a-thon’s in one week! What say you!

Cinematic Reviews has started a blog-a-thon featuring a list of Questions. It’s only about 20 questions how hard could it be?

1. What’s your favorite movie?
Lost in Translation

2. Least favorite movie?

3. Name one movie you loved upon initial viewing but eventually grew to hate (or vice-versa).
Closest I’ve come to this is Wanted. I’m not sure I loved it at first, but I sure don’t like it now.

4. Name your biggest “guilty pleasure” film.
Flash Gordon. Maybe.

5. Favorite quote from a favorite actor/actress (must be a line from a movie)?
“What We Do In Life, Echoes in Eternity”. – Gladiator

6. Favorite quote from a favorite actor/actress (must NOT be a line from a movie)?

7. Three favorite movie scenes? (among many)
- Karaoke in Lost in Translation

- Lobby Shooting in The Matrix

- Ending of The Godfather

8. Four films that should NOT have won Best Picture?
Crash, Chicago, Shakespeare in Love, The King’s Speech

9. Top five of the year (currently)?
Moonrise Kingdom, The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Safety Not Guaranteed

10. Bottom three of the year (currently)?
From what I’ve Seen: Total Recall, Rock of Ages, Prometheus (Disappointing)

11. What film gets your vote for the worst or most pointless remake?
Total Recall or The Day the Earth Stood Still

12. Is there any film you think is actually desperate for a remake?
I’d like to see what they could do with a English remake of Belle De Jour. That could be intriguing.

13. Name your three favorite film heroes.
-Han Solo

14. Name your three favorite film villains.

-Agent Smith (Matrix)
-Saruman (Lord of the Rings)
-T1000 (Terminator 2)

15. Best sequel?
The Godfather II

16. Worst sequel?
Spider-Man 3

17. Best trilogy?
Lord of the Rings Trilogy or Toy Story Trilogy

18. Worst trilogy?
I’ll put the Matrix, but solely based on how bad the sequels were
19. What’s your favorite word to use in a movie review (if your film blog does not feature reviews, substitute “review” with “-related post”?)
Absolutely, Unfortunately

20. Anything else?
This Blog-A-Thon has been brought to by the letter ‘R’.