Movie of the Day – The Deadly Spawn

Posted on the 09 January 2013 by Plotdevice39 @PlotDevices

Ah yes, The Deadly Spawn, a movie that truly embraces it’s B movie qualities and low, low budget fair in order to craft an unforgettable horror flick.  I think the trailers over exaggeration of this being the movie that sci-fi fans were waiting for, might just be a bit of a reach.  I certainly enjoyed the general terribleness of this movie and I adore this even more since I got the coolest thing in the world that only enhances my enjoyment of the movie…which you can view after the jump.

A meteorite crashes to earth during a torrential thunderstorm, bringing with it a slimy, three-headed alien beast that craves human meat and gives birth to hundreds of eel-like spawn. The monster takes up residence in the basement of a family home, devouring the parents without anyone else’s knowledge. The oldest son Pete (Michael Robert Coleman) is a science major in college, and his younger brother Charles (Charles George Hildebrandt) is a horror movie fanatic who loves to dress up like his favorite monsters and scare his visiting aunt and uncle. When an electrician arrives to check the fuse box, Charles follows him into the basement in costume for a little fun, but instead discovers the hideous alien and what’s left of his mother’s corpse. Meanwhile, two of Pete’s friends come over for a study session, bringing along the remains of a dead alien spawn that they found on the side of the road. Baffled, they dissect it in an effort to establish its origin, but it seems to defy everything they’ve ever been taught in class. Their intellectual curiosity is abandoned when they find Pete’s uncle being eaten by a swarm of alien spawn, and from there on it’s a fight for survival against the monster. ~ Fred Beldin, Rovi

Oh man, I can’t overstate how incredible this movie is.  Done in 1983. the acting and quality of the film itself is just bad bad bad, but nothing can compare to the horror aspects that the Deadly Spawn brings out.  I mean yeah, the monster looks ridiculous, but I got to hand it to the crew that made not only the big Spawn, but all the little spawns as well.  They used that budget for what it was worth and it shows.  It’s an unstoppable killing creature and absolutely a blast to watch on screen.  The kills are satisfying and the monster is just this maelstrom of teeth and blood.  So damn awesome to watch.

But what I am really excited about in particular for this movie, other than the cheesy effects and B grade horror, is that my favorite company in the world, Mondo, decided to get into the record business.  They are now pressing fresh vinyl and even getting their staple of talented artists to come up with some amazing art for the record sleeve.  And today, I just got my Deadly Spawn pressing.  BEHOLD!

Ah yes, the remastered soundtrack to The Deadly Spawn with cover art by the fine artists at Phantom City Creative.  It is absolutely beautiful, but I did manage to score something even more treasured with this first pressing release.

YES!  I managed to be one of the few buyers who got the random variant marble pressing that matches the color scheme of the art.  This truly makes the movie even more special.

Also, enjoy the movie below.