Movie of the Day – Skyfall

Posted on the 09 March 2013 by Plotdevice39 @PlotDevices

Today’s post will be my old review of probably the best Bond film of the entire franchise, Skyfall.


Skyfall seemed like it was needed by the movie going audiences, instead of just another Bond film. Spanning over 50 years, we sometimes become complacent with Bond as just another expected movie at a certain time. We forget that the lifespan of the series comes from the development overtime, a finer palette of all things espionage, and the series has grown into something more than just shoot first, bed women and fancy gadgets. Sure that is part of the appeal, but with one of the best Bonds to date and lean towards more grit and sophistication, Skyfall manages to instill the familiar trappings of a Bond movie, while also setting itself apart as one of the most developed story lines to date.

Click here for the original review.