Movie of the Day – She’s Out of My League

Posted on the 01 April 2012 by Plotdevice39 @PlotDevices

I am choosing this movie for one reason and one reason only, which I will get to shortly.  Now granted I actually enjoy the man child antics of 30-something male adults assuming that their lives are still like it was in college.  It provides a comedic effect that hits the most base of humor for me and provides me endless hours of entertainment and a litany of quotable moments.  But while the hilarious cast (particularly T.J. Miller) are what drive this movie to its satisfying conclusions and other shit, there is one scene in the movie where I was both excited and pretty much made the entire movie for me.

In a lot of movies, mainly comedy movies, there is usually some sort of funny musical moment in terms of cover bands or fictitious bands that just rock out.  You got the Wyld Stallyns from Bill and Ted, Sexual Chocolate in Coming to America, Soggy Bottom Boys in O’ Brother Where Art Thou, and even Spinal Tap.  These are the sort of bands that you want to see actually exists, but for me, there is one band (a cover band) that goes above and beyond the general call of awesome and pretty much made an entire movie enjoyment for me.  That band is called Adult Education.

To do my due diligence, here is the plot synopsis of She’s Out of My League:

An airport security guard gets involved with a girl who’s very obviously of a higher caliber than himself, and schemes to make the relationship last as his friends and family watch along in disbelief. Kirk (Jay Baruchel) was languishing in a dead-end job as an airport security agent when he somehow managed to earn the affections of the successful and drop-dead gorgeous Molly (Alice Eve). Even Kirk isn’t exactly sure what Molly sees in him, though he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. With his friends, family, and ex-girlfriend all watching stunned from the sidelines, Kirk discovers that he’ll have to work overtime in order to convince Molly that he’s worth hanging on to. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

OK with that out of the way, this is what really makes the movie so damn awesome:

A HALL AND OATES COVER BAND!  A band called Adult Education covering Hall and Oates songs in a fantastic fashion and pretty much propelling them up toward the stratosphere of movie bands.  I do realize that there are Hall and Oates cover/tribute bands out there such as Maneater (fucking sweet song), but for me it is the personal touches and flourishes that make the performance of Kiss on my List one of the best, even better than the original.

So there you go, one of the best reasons to watch She’s Out of My League is to satiate your love of Hall and Oates with a wonderful injoke and tribute to the duo.  Also the movie is really funny and surprisingly enjoyable, even if you find the lead Jay Baruchel a bit too insufferable.  I mean I did like him in How To Train Your Dragon.

*images via RottenTomatoes