Movie of the Day – Predator (revisited)

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Plotdevice39 @PlotDevices

In just a mere two hours, I will be taking part in our local Alamo Drafthouse KC Tough Guy Movie Night.  Tonight’s movie is Predator, with all the trimmings.  There will be in-theater explosions, cap guns for each patron, booze and a bunch of die hard Predator fans.  I can’t wait for this experience and it got me to re-up an old movie post for today only.  Below is an excerpt from my original post and link to the new article.

Wish  me luck and GET TO THE CHOPPAH!

This is just flat out a man’s movie.  If you have never seen this movie, stop what you are doing right now and go watch this movie.  This article can wait, but this movie cannot.  Predators is basically all the trappings of the 80s action era rolled into one movie and exploded onto the screen.  This movie was negatively reviewed hard, to the point where critics were just pulling apart the movie like the predator does to his victims.  Everything from the story (a movie about an alien that hunts humans), mindless action drivel (macho men carrying guns and killing people), and a poor empty vessel for a sci-fi movie (lasers, ha amateurs).   What the hell do those critics know?  This movie still stands the test of time in terms of action and memorable villains.

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