Move, Learn, Eat: The Digital Equivalent of Eat, Pray, Love

By Travelersmind
Rather than read over 300 pages of a book or watch a two-hour movie to reach spiritual and emotional understanding, you can simply log on to YouTube and watch three, one-minute clips that are just as inspiring, if not more. (Just as a note, I would definitely recommend reading Eat, Pray, Love, because it is an incredible book. The movie, you can forgo.)
Recently, independent filmmaker Rick Mereki went on a round-the-world trip to 11 countries accompanied by two of his friends. His mission: To document all their experiences and pare them down into three short clips relating to the words Move, Learn and Eat. The following movies are perfectly edited, set to inspirational music and feature images that will make anyone smile--I caught myself smiling the whole time I was watching them, and even laughed out loud a couple times, which drew more than a couple looks from coworkers.
I really enjoyed these short films, and I think any travel enthusiast will, too. So, check them out.

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.