Mountain Majesty in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado

By Juliemagerssoulen
The sky was a beautiful blue with white puffy clouds when we headed down the mountain. The view was snow capped mountain tops as far as you could see. The air, even though summer, had a raw bite that reminded you with each step that you were at the mercy of a landscape that had no mercy or pity for your human frailty. It is a feeling of smallness and at the same time a feeling of being connected to all the wonder about you.
A storm front approached and it was time to leave lest we be reminded again of our short comings. I looked up just in time to see the approaching clouds create an angle that matched the mountains perfectly creating a zig zag window in the vista. Do you see it? Then in an instant the clouds obscured the amazing view and we retreated to safety below. I hope you enjoyed this little diversion and my newest black and white photography.
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