Are you excited about today’s Anti-Frack action in Ohio? Do you want to keep fighting the fracking craze that is sweeping our beautiful lands?
Then high tail it to Virgina this March for Mountain Justice Spring Break!
March 2-10 2013 in Virginia
March 10-17 2013 in Northern
West Virgina
Learn about and take action against the destructive effects of the dirty life-cycles of coal and natural gas!
Stand in solidarity with the communities in Virginia, West Virginia and southwest Pennsylvania facing the ongoing destruction of coal mining and hydraulic fracturing!
See mountaintop removal coal mining and hydraulic fracturing natural gas extraction up close!
Take direct action against the dirty coal industry!
This March, Mountain Justice Spring Break (MJSB) will bring together coalfield residents, college students, environmentalists and concerned citizens who are interested in learning more about mountaintop removal coal mining and hydro fracking.
March 2-10, MJSB will be in the town of Appalachia, Virginia, in an area that has been heavily impacted by mountaintop removal mining.
March 10-17, 2013 MJSB will be in central West Virginia close to fracking sites.
We will spend a week cultivating the skills and visions needed to build a sustainable energy future in Appalachia. Through education, community service, speakers, hiking, music, poetry, direct action and more, you will learn from and stand with Appalachian communities in the struggle to maintain our land and culture. Mountain Justice Spring Break will also offer a variety of community service projects.
Mountain Justice Spring Break in Virginia will be held at the Community Center in the historic mining town of Appalachia. Nearby Black Mountain is being blasted right now by coal companies and you will see the effects on the forests, water, land and people. Coal trains rumble through this small community, which was once a thriving mining town.
MJSB in West Virginia will be held at a lodge in a county park surrounded by wooded hills and a pretty West Virginia mountain creek, and lots of fracking for natural gas. The Doddridge County Park is easy to find and convenient to Interstates 77 and 79 and US 50.
For more information or to register for Mountain Justice Spring Break in Virginia, go here.
For more information about MJSB in West Virginia, go here.