Moto Collide: Motorola Invites Developers with Innovative #MotoMods Ideas

Posted on the 06 January 2017 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

Adding a new twist to Moto smartphones, Motorola launched the Moto ModsTM in 2016. These tools that can enhance the functionality of a smartphone were launched alongside the modular smartphone Moto Z. The Moto ModsTM can transform the compatible smarpthones into a camera with optical zoom, a movie projector, a boombox etc. These are very handy devices that can give the smartphones more features and capabilities.

The trend of Modular Smartphones and their companion devices is just starting and we can expect to see many such devices in near future. As far as I know LG G5 and LG friends are the only other example.

Motorola too is actively engaged in developing more Mods. For this purpose, it plans to share the Moto Mods Development Kit (MDK) with the world so more people can develop these Mods and contribute to the Moto Mods ecosystem. Motorola is organizing Moto Collide to get more developers engaged in the development of the Mods.

Whether you're a one-person startup or a big development firm, you can attend the Moto Collide to share your ideas about new Moto Mods. At Modo Collide, developers will have the opportunity to hear directly from the minds behind the moto mods, Interact with partners across software, hardware, manufacturing and product development teams and have the opportunity to turn their idea into a global product.

As per the information I got, Moto has partnered with Lenovo Capital. So the developers with really promising ideas can also have a chance to get up to $1 million investement.

Details of Moto Collide:

  • Moto Collide will be held on 25th January, 2017 in Bengaluru
  • Registration dates: 6th January to 22nd January, 2017
  • Register for Moto Collide at: