Mother says ..... it's almost Christmas.
'Mother' is our nickname for our Christmas Cacti, the one we inherited from my lovely Mum in Law, Jessie. Before Jessie looked after this lovely plant it was Grannie's ... this plant has seen more Christmas holidays than I have ... so I won't argue with her if she says Christmas is just around the corner.
It is absolutely covered in flower buds, and this week all the flowers in the top picture burst open. It's pretty much looked after itself this plant, a bi-weekly water when it's dormant and then once buds appear it gets a weekly water and a bi-weekly feed of Baby Bio.
It had a good pruning last year just after it flowered by Charley, the Chug. She nibbled the ends off every branch, which seemingly as I later read will have done the plant a real favour. So to see the flowers opening up is a wonderful reminder of our gorgeous little pup, as well as happy memories of seeing the plant in situ with Mum.
Suky is not impressed with all this Christmas talk.
"Christmas already .... really."
Sue xx